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Friday, February 11, 2011

I need to vent...

I don't really know what's going on with the state of politics under Obama (not like things were that much different under Bush), but I'm pretty sure it's going to be like this for awhile. To me, its more frustrating because of the low level jabs that just don't die. Everyone has lost their mind, no one checks anything for accuracy, and dumb people are fueled by anything that gets posted on the internet as "fact". I'm sure if I posted something about how I saw Obama's Kenyan birth certificate, I would be cited on some conservative site as a credible source. Who'd I get my informatin from, well, that just doesn't matter because I said it and it's available for anyone with an internet plan or library card to see.

Now I know I don't know it all, and if you haven't guessed by now I lean left-of-center. I just think that some of the conservative viewpoint gets delivered with the intent to scare people and play on fears. Liberals, Progressives, whatever you want to call them, do the same things sometime but with much less effect. Maybe it's because most liberals present things from a academic perspective (i.e. since temperatures at the poles are getting warmer, sea levels with rise). That doesn't really scare me because you can't imagine a change that would effect even the coast that much. Now if I said the Russians are secretly burning fires in the Antarctic that might get people more worried because everyone is afraid of the Russians. Boo!

Maybe it's an overreaction to the non-stop news media that I can't seem to pry my eyes from but I just thought I'd vent something here real quick. I'm sure the endless debate over why we aren't doing more in Egypt will lead to another post. I'll try to stay sane until then though.


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