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Friday, July 8, 2011

New Digs

I just want to start by saying moving sucks. I think the next time I have to do it, I'll pay someone to pack and move it for me (maybe even unpack it too). Even worse than that though is having a landlord or four. My new place has a lot of pluses but several minuses that weren't really noticeable until I signed the lease.
Complaint #1: The realtor leasing the house for the homeowner was not communicating any negotiations or considerations between me and the homeowner. This resulted in having a move-in date 2 weeks earlier than I wanted. No biggie.
Complaint #2: The homeowner is in Iraq, also no biggie. Instead, I'm dealing with the parents of the homeowners wife who are also realtors. Kind of a headache. They are pushy folks that just want the rent check. Nice folks to drink a beer with, but I would not recommend them get into the customer service industry.
Complaint #3: After the lease was signed, I was told that the wife of the homeowner would be our contact for repairs, etc. Unfortunately, she doesn't answer or return phone calls and communicates only via text. This is so frustrating because it's hard to get everything you want to say out in text format. Also, it gives me the impression that I not worthy of a 2-minute phone call or that I'm bothering her. I'm sorry, did my rent checks offend you? Is the squirrel-chewed hole in the roof not a big deal? Are roaches a cool thing to live with? Broken toilets are "in" right now? Oh, since we have a cat we would want the previous tenants dog house....cigarette butts, broken planters, wood pallets, and Christmas lights still hung in the back! Granted I saw this stuff when I first looked at the place, but I figured that would go before we were to move-in. I would rather them just look me in the eye and say F-U, than tell me "oh yeah we left it all ready for you."
Complaint #4: See complaint #3 - Roaches
Complaint #5: See complaint #3 - Literally...trash
Complaint #6: This is just kind of a summary of all the other complaints, but I just wish that people would be honest and straightforward when it comes to selling someone a home. I made the choice to live in this house because I thought it was pretty decent and it is, but the way things have been handled up until this point make the experience one to forget. I would be more forgiving if they came to us and said "hey, we haven't fixed much since the last guy live here so let us know whats wrong and we'll try to get things fixed asap." If you know the previous tenant was a hoarder, then put some effort into fixing the house you own instead of making it the problem of the next tenant and acting like we are a bother.

In other news, it's Friday and time for Happy hour!

Friday, March 25, 2011

My Horns in Tulsa

With so much young talent the Horns should be in a prime spot to go deep next year. We had a good year and hopefully will reach the top next season.

After the Arizona game I was left in the stands speechless, surrounded by the annoyance of KU fans and their Rock-Chalk Jayhawk chants (worse then fingernails down a chalkboard). Poor Cory Joseph got screwed by the ref who looks like the old fart from the movie UP. J'Covan stepped up big and kept us in it with big shot after big shot. If he doesn't start next year I would
be very surprised and almost angry. I feel for the seniors but I know they gave it their all. Committments to stay from Tristan and Hamilton made me feel a little better walking out of the BOK Center, but the seven plus hour drive from Tulsa to Austin really gave me time to think...about when season tickets go on sale for next year! Hook Em'!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Asking for money!

This really bothered me and I had to get some stuff off my chest.

Backstory: I was working in a muddy creek and needed to clean my shoes so I went to the car wash. Yes, I know thats kinda dumb but I also needed to wash my car.

So I'm washing the car minding my own business and the guy I was working with went to use the bathroom. Now we weren't in the best of neighborhoods but I figured in and out and bam i'm done. Well, a minute into my wash, a car with two guys and a girl pulls behind my car blocking me in. I'm thinking "What the hell is going on!" By the time I get that thought in the driver jumps out and is 5 ft. from me. Now, I usually have a pocket knife but of course today is the day it stays at home. I have the hose on high pressure setting so I'm thinking, "If I'm getting robbed/stabbed this guy is getting wet!" Luckily before he gets drenched he says, "Hey I'm bout to run outta gas, can I borrow 2 dollars?" What? Do I know you? You pull some swat team move on me at the car wash and I'm supposed to give you money! I reply, "I don't have any cash (cause clearly I had quarters for my wash)." I think at this point the guy can see that I'm on "high alert". He goes back to the car and his buddy gets out and says, "I'm gonna go ask this guy (another lucky car wash patron)."

What really bothers me is the way he went about it. Why block me in? Why not just drive by, roll down the window, and gimme a shout? Why would you think I would put down the hose, go into my car, and give you 2 dollars? Maybe I'm just overreacting or being a whimp but I don't ever like anyone to approach me when I am minding my business. I can see if you are homeless and I pass by you, sure no problem, but to just run up on me like that indicates a threat to me. I couldn't be a concealed gun owner because too many idiots like this would get shot.

I posted this because after my work partner got back to the car I told him the story and he thought I was overreacting and couldn't understand what the big deal was. I just thought that was amazing. How could you think something is wrong with me for my reaction when the idiot is the car wash beggar bandit!

I'm curious, what do you think?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Phone idiots!

I guess I can't be too mad about this because I'm guilty sometimes of overdoing it on the phone but it was brought to my attention that this really sitch is getting out of control.

I get it, your phone can do everything. Maybe this is a symptom of A-D-D, A-D-H-D, or D-U-M-B. What did we do before our phones had music, internet, etc. Read a book? Read a magazine? Actually talk on the phone! This has already started off on a tangent but my real concern is people who must be in constant communication or "phone mode." This goes out to y'all!

Rule #1 - If you're driving, don't text. That's it. Nothing too complicated. Just don't be the ass who doesn't see the green light, traffic ahead, person crossing the street, lane lines, or the numerous other things you encounter while driving!

Rule #2 - If you are on the phone and can't handle multi-tasking, then put the phone down. I can't stand to see someone make a 55 second turn just because they have to keep the phone right next to their ear. Or even worse, the person who has their blinker on permenently and as soon as you try to pass them they try to get over and look at you like you can't drive. If you are in these categories do me a favor and go smack your head against the wall nearest to you. Repeat until sense come in.

Rule #3 - If you are in an airplane please be aware. Don't be the dude that tries to get away with playing Argry Birds, texting, or talking on the phone after the announcement. 3 things that are easy to do...Tray table up, seat in the upright and locked position, and electronic devices off or at least airplane mode. Don't act surprised when the flight attendent tells you to turn it off. I personally would like to see them burn it in front of the person, but maybe that's just me. It's already bad enough that the airport in a locker room where we have to strip down, spread, and get felt up by the TSA, so do everyone a favor and take a train. At least this way people can move from around you.

Rule #4 - If you find yourself in a crowded area where normal conversation voices are shared with everyone around you, keep your conversation brief or go somewhere private. Nobody wants to hear about your life. Don't treat the phone call like a Facebook post where we hear all of the un-interesting details of your life.

Rule #5 - Know your ringer volume! Don't come into CVS with your Katy Perry ringer on full blast or worse the regular phone ring. Everyone has a radio so just because you have the new song playing on your phone just remember...You are not that cool!

Rule #6 - Bluetooth is meant for the car or maybe a home office. It makes everyone uncomfortable when you're walking down an eisle in Target and you think someone is talking to you that you don't recognize. I don't like looking like an idiot when I respond to you question. Plus we all know the phone is in you pocket so adhere to Rule #4 and take it outside or make it quick.

Bottom line is these phones are driving me crazy and I believe a lot of other people crazy. Here's some homework. If you see someone breaking these rules, snatch the phone if possible and shatter it, yell "You're not that cool!" at them, or take down the plate and we'll post it here.

Friday, February 11, 2011

I need to vent...

I don't really know what's going on with the state of politics under Obama (not like things were that much different under Bush), but I'm pretty sure it's going to be like this for awhile. To me, its more frustrating because of the low level jabs that just don't die. Everyone has lost their mind, no one checks anything for accuracy, and dumb people are fueled by anything that gets posted on the internet as "fact". I'm sure if I posted something about how I saw Obama's Kenyan birth certificate, I would be cited on some conservative site as a credible source. Who'd I get my informatin from, well, that just doesn't matter because I said it and it's available for anyone with an internet plan or library card to see.

Now I know I don't know it all, and if you haven't guessed by now I lean left-of-center. I just think that some of the conservative viewpoint gets delivered with the intent to scare people and play on fears. Liberals, Progressives, whatever you want to call them, do the same things sometime but with much less effect. Maybe it's because most liberals present things from a academic perspective (i.e. since temperatures at the poles are getting warmer, sea levels with rise). That doesn't really scare me because you can't imagine a change that would effect even the coast that much. Now if I said the Russians are secretly burning fires in the Antarctic that might get people more worried because everyone is afraid of the Russians. Boo!

Maybe it's an overreaction to the non-stop news media that I can't seem to pry my eyes from but I just thought I'd vent something here real quick. I'm sure the endless debate over why we aren't doing more in Egypt will lead to another post. I'll try to stay sane until then though.
